Top 5 Neighborhoods in Roseville, CA
Wondering which are the best neighborhoods in Roseville, California?
We put together a list of the top 5 neighborhoods and what makes them so desirable! The Goolsby Group has helped over 200 families in the last 9 years find their home right here in our city and as a native to Roseville, myself, you might say I'm a bit obsessed with our town, but I can't help it! Helping families win in Roseville Real Estate is our mission and we can't wait to help many more in 2023.
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Are you ready to check out those neighborhoods? Let’s take a look!
Neighborhood #1: Johnson Ranch
Arguably the nicest, most established neighborhood in Roseville. It’s got beautiful mature trees, nicely manicured lawns, pathways and trails, many of which are maintained by private HOAs, and it’s the only neighborhood in Roseville that has two Zip codes and in a way, Roseville shares part of the neighborhood with the town of Granite Bay. The schools have the highest rating, thought it’s worth noting that there are several neighborhoods within just 2-5% of the overall “best school ratings” score. The prices of homes range from $800,000 - $1,300,000
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Neighborhood #2:Highland Reserve
The most accessible neighborhood is up for debate. In my opinion, the Folsom neighborhood is probably the most walkable to a wide variety of locations, however, the Highland Reserve neighborhood is probably the most accessible in terms of being able to access the majority of Roseville amenities. Within less than 2 miles, you can reach the majority of the cities, shops, restaurants, schools, parks, and also freeway access. To be fair, the majority of Central and East Roseville homes have access to most of the same Amenities, but Highland Reserve is the closest and nicest, in my humble opinion. The prices of homes range from $600,000 to $1,000,000
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Neighborhood #3: Fiddyment Farms
As a real estate agent, I’m not qualified to verify the safety of a neighborhood or even make recommendations of a neighborhood based upon safety. You shouldn’t rely solely on my advice and should do your own research when it comes to safety. As a lifelong Roseville resident, and someone that has had the opportunity to connect with many of the leaders within the Roseville Police Department, I WILL say that the majority of Roseville is essentially “safe”. Most of the neighborhoods rank in the top 50% in regards to overall neighborhood safety. Let me tell you that Fiddyment Farm was ranked as the top safest neighborhood in Roseville. My best guess is that it’s because the community is the one of the furthest to the northwest border of Roseville. It’s fairly well tucked back into Roseville and does not have a whole lot of passing through traffic which likely makes the neighborhood a little more protected against theft and crime from neighboring towns As of today, the prices of homes range from $550,000 - $1,100,000.
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Neighborhood #4: Stoneridge
The most Affluent by way of property values and per capita income is the Stoneridge community. This is highly desirable neighborhood in Roseville with large parks, easy access to nearby Roseville amenities, and has some of the highest elevation points in Roseville as well. Which makes it a prime neighborhood if you’re looking for views. As of the time of this blogpost, the prices of homes range from $700k-$2m.
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Neighborhood #5: Westpark
Taking into consideration all things most important in a community. Safety, Schools, quality of home, lifestyle, parks, activity and participation in the community, and basically just averaging everything together into a “Best Overall” category. We have… Westpark. This neighborhood was started in the early 2000s and is still growing today. You can find a wide variety of housing types, from patio style homes designed for low maintenance living and busybodies, to single family homes ranging from 3 to 6 bedrooms. They even have some homes with 6 car garages built for the family with many teenage drivers. And there’s also a 55+, as well as an assisted living community all within Westpark. There are several schools and parks, and walking trails. The safety and crime index was also one of the best ranking in the city. There’s not a whole lot of access to common city amenities, but there are a couple of new restaurants and the closest shopping centers aren't too far away. There's a wide range in housing styles and prices in this neighborhood. You can find anything from the low $500s up to the $1,200,000 and a whole lot in between.
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